Tips To Kick Out The Habit Of Indecisiveness

Have you ever been stuck when trying to make a decision? Indecisiveness can make even simple choices feel overwhelming. It can leave you feeling stressed and unsure about what to do. But with the right approach, you can overcome indecisiveness.

Fear of making mistakes is a big reason why people struggle with indecisiveness. They worry about making the perfect choice every time, which can be paralyzing. Another reason is having too many options. When faced with numerous choices, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and struggle to decide.

Indecisiveness can also be caused by not being clear about your goals and values. If you're not sure what you want to achieve, it's hard to make decisions that align with your priorities.

In this blog, we'll share practical tips to help you beat indecisiveness. By understanding why you struggle to make decisions and following these tips, you can start making choices with confidence.

What causes indecisiveness?

  • Fear of failure: Indecisiveness often stems from a fear of making the wrong choice. This fear can be paralyzing, making it difficult to move forward with any decision.
  • Perfectionism: Those who strive for perfection may find it challenging to make decisions because they want everything to be just right. It can lead to overanalyzing and indecision.
  • Overthinking: Indecisiveness can also result from overanalyzing every detail of a decision, making the choice seem more daunting than it is.
  • Lack of confidence: If you doubt your ability to make the right decision, you may find yourself stuck in indecision, afraid to commit to any choice.
  • Too many options: Having too many choices can be overwhelming, making it difficult to make a decision. It can lead to indecisiveness as you struggle to choose the best option.

How to stop being indecisive?

Try not to overthink the outcomes of your decisions

Overthinking can lead to analysis paralysis, where you become so focused on the potential outcomes that you struggle to make a decision. Instead, try to focus on the present moment and the information you have at hand. Remind yourself that it's impossible to predict the future with certainty and that you can handle whatever comes your way. Trusting your judgment and being comfortable with uncertainty can help you make decisions more confidently.

Don’t make impulsive decisions

While it's essential to trust your instincts, making decisions purely on impulse can lead to regret. Before making a decision, evaluate all of your options and the consequences. Consider the long-term effects of your decision and how it aligns with your values and goals. Reflecting on past impulsive decisions that didn't turn out well can also help you be more mindful in the future.

Do what scares you

Stepping outside your comfort zone and facing your fears can be a powerful way to overcome indecisiveness. Embracing new challenges and experiences, even if they seem daunting, can help you grow and build confidence in your decision-making abilities. Remember that growth often comes from taking risks and pushing yourself beyond what feels safe or familiar. By facing your fears head-on, you may discover new strengths and capabilities that you didn't know you had.

Listen to your mind and trust your instincts

Decision-making is a combination of both logic and intuition. While it's important to listen to your inner voice and trust your instincts, it's also essential to consider the facts and analyze the situation rationally. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, but also take the time to gather relevant information and consider the potential outcomes of your decision. Finding a balance between these two approaches can help you make more informed and confident decisions.

Think about positive outcomes

Reflecting on past decisions can provide valuable insights into your decision-making process. Think about a time when you took a risk or made a challenging choice that ultimately led to a positive outcome. Remembering your successes can boost your confidence and remind you that you are capable of making good decisions. It can also help you identify patterns or strategies that have worked well for you in the past, which you can apply to future decisions.

Choose what gives you more possibilities in the future

When faced with a decision, consider which option will open up more possibilities down the road. Sometimes, making a decision that seems challenging or risky in the short term can lead to opportunities in the future. Think about how each option aligns with your long-term goals and values, and choose the one that will give you the most flexibility and freedom moving forward. By focusing on the potential for growth and expansion, you can make decisions that will benefit you in the long run.

Move out of comfort zone

Indecisiveness comes because of a fear of losing the comfort zone. When you’re in your comfort zone, you underestimate your ability to move ahead and take on new challenges. So never stick to a comfort zone and start accepting new tasks and responsibilities. Never afraid of failures to make decisions.

Use your own experience

Take a moment to reflect on your past successes, particularly the small milestones you achieved when faced with similar situations. Remember how your decisions proved to be correct and brought success. Allow your own experience of success to give you positive energy and clarity of thought to make good decisions in the current critical time.

Consider it as a third person perspective

When faced with a situation, it is helpful to take a step back and observe it as if it were happening to a friend who has come to you for advice. This approach can help you analyze the situation more objectively and make better decisions. So, instead of getting too involved and overthinking things, try to remain a neutral observer.


When we face important decisions, it's natural to feel stuck. This hesitation can lead to indecisiveness if we dwell on the choices for too long. However, overcoming this habit is entirely possible. Remember, "When it comes to making decisions, don’t be afraid to make mistakes, to fail and fall, because a lot of the time, the best decisions come from doing what scares you the most." This mindset shift can help you approach decisions with more confidence and less fear of making mistakes.