5 Ways To Spice Up Your Wellness Program

Let’s face the boredom generated in the corporate wellness program with time by spicing up with new creations on a regular basis. The best way to deal with that stress of boredom in your wellness program is by deliberately making your program exciting and fresh.

Here are a few strategies you can incorporate in your employee wellness program to add more fun and make it inclusive.

1. Organise New Events

Avoid falling into the trap of organizing the same events over and over again. Although the events like healthy potluck, walking meeting are great and can be overused yet try incorporating some of the true and more innovative wellness events such as app based fitness challenge, weight loss competition among overweight employees, Water intake challenge etc.

2. Find Your Wellness Champions

There are employees in your organization who have found success with your employee wellness program by achieving certain wellness goals. Even if they seem like a minority, they’re still present and waiting to represent your program to inspire others.  They can help you to revamp the existing wellness program from being stale. Reach these people, know how they’ve used your wellness program and spread their word. Ask them to become active contributors to increase engagement in your wellness program.

3. Promote Benefits through Effective Communication

Lack of interest in the wellness program is caused by the failure of workforce to understand the advantages of well-being activities. Try to use effective communication channels to promote the wellness events you offer and know about other activities that interest your employees and work as a great option for them. Keep your emails and notifications about the promotion short and sweet so every employee shows interest and participate.

4. Rise Beyond Physical Health

If your wellness program is based on traditional old fitness and diet tips & guides, it will generate boredom among employees. Try to incorporate some more holistic health information into your employee wellness program that could include financial, mental, social well-being or whatever your employees might require. Corporate culture usually impacts the mental health of employees owing to excessive workload, tight deadlines and long working hours. So try adding flavors of fun activities in your wellness program that will be beneficial for mental well-being.

5. Celebrate And Enjoy Success

Try not to make your employee wellness program completely about “what still needs to be done”. Adopt the culture of rewards and celebrations for milestones achieved by your employees. Organize employee appreciation events frequently in your wellness program so it always remains engaging and fruitful. That way they’ll always find something interesting & inspirative to look forward to throughout the wellness regime.

The abovementioned tips will help you to keep your wellness program refreshed with new energy and flavours. Besides, timely evaluation of your wellness program also helps to know about flaws and loopholes in order to take necessary steps in the right direction. So audit your wellness programs thoroughly on a quarterly basis to know about the positives and negatives. This will help design future strategy of workplace wellness.