Coronavirus (Covid-19): How to Protect yourself and others

Corona is a family of viruses, which can infect both humans and animals with cold-related diseases. The intensity of the infection varies from the common cold to acute respiratory syndrome.
Follow these Do’s and Dont’s to Lower the Risk
- Practice washing your hands on a frequent basis. Wash hands with soap & water or use alcohol-based hand rub. Wash hands even if they are visibly clean.
- Consult a doctor if you feel sick (fever, difficulty in breathing and cough). Wear a mask/cloth to cover your mouth and nose while visiting the doctor.
- Cover your nose and mouth with handkerchief/ tissue while sneezing or coughing.
- Dispose or throw used tissues into closed bins immediately after use.
- Cook food thoroughly well before serving to your family or eating.
- Exercise and sleep well to boost the immune system.
- Avoid getting involved in large gatherings.
- Close contact with anyone, if you have flu-like symptoms such as fever, cough or cold.
- Touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Spitting in public.
- Contact with live animals, poultry & birds. However, if you have close contact with animals, never forget to wash your hands thoroughly immediately
- Consumption of raw and undercooked meat.
Guidelines for Healthcare Providers
Coronavirus has a propensity of human to human transmission within communities, mainly households, workplaces and educational institutions. Also, the rate of transmission increases in a large gathering of people in confined area.
Transmission of infection caused by Covid-19 happens due to close unprotected contact with droplets of the infected person. The successful prevention of the spread of coronavirus depends on effective infection prevention and control program which should be followed and avoid workplace disruptions.
Here are a few steps which can be taken to prevent and control infection:
Administrative controls & policies that apply for coronavirus include:
- Issuing clear guidelines.
- Personal education and training.
- Early identification of symptoms.
- Coordination with hospitals.
Environmental and Ergonomic Measures
- Ensuring adequate ventilation.
- Adequate cleaning of all the office equipment.
- Spatial separation (Social distancing). At least 1-meter distance should be maintained between suspected people and staff.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Rational, correct and consistent use of available PPE like masks, gloves, sanitizers, eye protection.
- Maintain adequate supply.
- Adequate staff training.
- Maintain proper hand hygiene
Steps to Protect yourself and others from Covid-19

Step 1: Protect Self And Others
Provide the masks to the bystander and the suspect immediately, significantly to wear a mask on his own.
Step 2: Collect The History
Ask about the Signs & Symptoms and its onset, history of recent travels.
Step 3: Assessment
Check the Temperature.
Step 4: Evaluation
Transfer out as soon as possible to the nearby Hospital. Call the Ambulance to transfer the suspect to the nearby hospital for further Evaluation, O2 administration over mask if significant breathing issue is seen during the assessment.
Step 5: Precautions
Do not panic, but inform others onsite about the event and take the necessary actions to prevent cross-infection.
Related Articles
- Coronavirus Symptoms, Myths and Guidance to Reduce the Risk
- Coronavirus Testing: All you Need to Know
*Note: The information contained in this article is validated by the World Health Organization (W.H.O).