Coronavirus Myths and Guidelines to Reduce your Health Risk

Coronavirus is a virus that commonly affects animals. Recently there has been an outbreak of this virus which has caused disease resembling pneumonia in humans. This infection has mild symptoms initially that can lead to serious health complications.
Don’t panic, take precautions and seek medical advice.

Fever, Dry cough after 2 to 7 days, Difficulty in breathing, Body ache, Diarrhea, Headache, Running nose.
High fever, Pneumonia, Kidney failure, Death.
None at the moment (Symptomatic treatment only)
How it Spreads
- Touching an object or contaminated surface.
- Coughing and sneezing.
- Close personal contact like touching or shaking hands.
Coronavirus Myths Debunked
Myth: Covid-19 outbreak will end with a rise in temperatures.
Reality: No proof of this yet. Higher temperatures may, however, help reduce the transmission rate.
Myth: Taking a hot bath can save you from getting infected.
Reality: A hot bath won’t prevent you from Covid-19. The best way if by frequently cleaning your hands.
Myth: Flu shots can protect you against novel coronavirus.
Reality: Vaccine against pneumonia, do not protect against novel coronavirus. The virus is new and it needs its own vaccine.
Myth: Medicines that help boost immunity can prevent Covid-19.
Reality: Such medicines, allopathic or homoeopathic can boost immunity in general, but there’s no proof that it can protect people from the new coronavirus.
Myth: Everyone needs an N-95 mask.
Reality: Only healthcare workers who work in close contact requires an N-95 mask. The general public can use a surgical mask, which is cheaper.
Myth: Spraying alcohol all over your body can kill the coronavirus.
Reality: Spraying alcohol all over your body will not kill viruses that have already entered your body.
Myth: Novel coronavirus infection can be transmitted through goods manufactured in China or any other country reporting Covid.
Reality: Coronavirus may stay on a surface for up to several days, it is very unlikely that the virus will persist on a surface after it has been moved or travelled.
How to Reduce your Risk
- Clean hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub.
- Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.
- Avoid unprotected contact with live wild or farm animals.
- Take foods rich in vitamin c like oranges and gooseberries.
- Keep yourself well hydrated.
- Wear a face mask in public places.
- Avoid crowded places.
- Carry an alcohol-based hand rub with you.
- Eat a healthy diet.
Travel Advice
- Avoid travel if you have a fever.
- Avoid close contact with people having a fever.
- Clean hands with soap or hand sanitizer.
- When coughing and sneezing cover mouth & nose with a tissue.
- Wear a face mask.
- If you feel sick inform crew and seek medical care.
Note: If you get flu like symptoms or feel sick then consult a doctor immediately.

WHO Mask Guidelines on Corona Virus
- If you have fever, cough or breathing issue, wear a mask.
- Before putting a mask, clean hands with alcohol-based hand sanitizer, soap, and water.
- Replace the mask with a new one as soon as it is damp and do not re-use single-use masks.
- Remove the mask from behind (Do not touch the front of the mask). Discard it immediately in a closed bin. Clean your hands with alcohol-based hand sanitizer, soap, and water.
*Note: The information given in this article about COVID-19 is validated by The World Health Organization ( W.H.O)