How Social Distancing and Hygiene Practices Prevent Spread of Coronavirus

From the last several weeks, the news headlines are giving special attention to the Coronavirus disease. Many of us especially the people of 60+ age groups or with other health complications have shocked with this global outbreak. The infection caused by this virus can really be life-threatening for these age groups as the Indian government have already claimed that most of the deaths caused by coronavirus include 60+ age groups.
The government of India has already declared the nation-wide lock-down for 21 days to defeat Coronavirus. People of India along with big entrepreneurs and businessmen have happily accepted this decision as staying at home is the only way to break the chain of corona infections caused by the virus. It will also help to reduce the transmission rate of the disease at the community level.

According to public health experts, “social distancing” is the most effective way to prevent the spread of this deadly novel coronavirus disease. China has already implemented the complete lock-down from the past two months and advised their people to practise social distancing. It has now resulted in a big drop in the number of coronavirus cases. Social distancing refers to strictly reducing our contact from the external world and maintaining a distance of at least six feet with others.
Include these practices to encourage social distancing:
- Avoid social gatherings such as weddings, parties or any festive celebrations.
- Stay away from public transport so you don’t come in contact with any covid-19 infected person.
- Cancel out all non-essential trips.
- Work from home in all possible scenarios.
- Never visit bars, restaurants, movie theatres, Gyms or any other place where gatherings take place.
If it becomes essential for you to move out from the home to fulfil grocery or medical need, take care of the following things:
- Avoid touching any metallic, glass or plastic surfaces as it may have the droplets of an infected person and health experts claim that the covid-19 virus may remain active for as long as nine days over these surfaces (source: ).
- Practise using disinfectant before touching any surface or use a tissue or any disposable cloth to touch such surfaces.
- Maintain enough distance from another person if comes in contact.
- Washing hands with soap and water won’t be possible while you travel so always keep an alcohol-based sanitizer with you to clean your hands.
- Avoid touching your face, eyes or nose as these are the paths for the virus to get inside your body.
- After returning to home, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before touching any surface or human.
It is really unsure how long the world will fight to defeat the dangerous coronavirus but we can protect ourselves and others by strictly following the above-explained social distancing and hygiene practices.