Strategies To Make A Tobacco Free Workplace through Wellness Program

In the world of workplace wellness, making sure everyone feels good and stays healthy is super important. One big thing that can get in the way is tobacco use. It's not great for individuals, and it can also affect how well everyone works together.
Smoke from tobacco is considered a hazard at the workplace because of the massive risk it causes to human health. Employers who take action to implement smoke-free policies at the workplace are less exposed to litigation by employees regarding various health issues.
Knowing and understanding the serious health risks of using tobacco may help and motivate you to quit. Using tobacco in your everyday life over a long duration of time might increase your risk of various health problems.
Explore the best ways to create a tobacco-free workplace. We'll keep it simple and show how focusing on health isn't just the right thing to do—it's also great for making a workplace where everyone can thrive.
A few of the serious health risks of using tobacco are listed below:
- Problems in the heart and blood vessel
- Blood clots and stroke due to weakening walls of the blood vessels in the brain
- Blood clots appear in the legs, which eventually may travel to the lungs
- Coronary artery disease, including heart attack and angina
- Temporarily increase in blood pressure after smoking
- Reduced supply of blood to the legs
- Problems with erections due to decreased blood flow in the penis
Other health risks or problems of using tobacco:
- Cancer (more likely to happen in the mouth, lungs, larynx, sinuses and nose, throat, esophagus, bladder, stomach, pancreas, kidney, cervix, rectum and colon)
- Poor and delayed healing of wounds after surgery
- Lung problems, such as asthma that is difficult to control
- Issues during pregnancy, like babies born with low birth weight, early labor, cleft lip
- Reduced ability to smell and taste
- Damage to sperm, which may result in infertility
- Sight loss due to a higher risk of muscular degeneration
- Gum and tooth diseases
- Wrinkling of the skin
Along with the various health issues, using tobacco can also cause productivity loss in the workplace.
- Smokers Take More Days Off Work
- Smokers take more breaks while working
- Smokers have more health issues as compare to non-smokers
- They have difficulty in maintaining relationships with other team members
Realistically, recognizing a smoke-free policy at the workplace presents a lot of benefits for both the employees and the employer.
Benefits of a Smoke-Free Workplace
For Employers
- Helps build a safe and healthy workplace
- Reduces the costs of healthcare
- Decreases maintenance cost when matches and cigarette butts are eliminated
- Decreases coverage for health, disability, and life
- Reduces chances of accidental fire
- Complies with the rules set by the local legislation
- Develops corporate image
For Employees
- Can be certain to work in a healthy and safe environment
- Higher productivity at work due to reduced distraction from secondhand smoke
- Motivates fellow employees to finally quit smoking
- Reduced sick days
- Promotes stability in the company

Strategies to Curb Workplace Tobacco Use
Tobacco-free workplace creates a healthier and safer work environment which, in turn, decreases the risk of adverse health complications. The foremost purposes of workplace tobacco cessation programs are to support and motivate employees to quit smoking as well as decrease second-hand smoke exposure to other employees.
Smoke-Free Zones

To protect employees from vulnerability to second-hand smoke as well as emissions from electronic nicotine devices and e-cigarettes smoke-free zones should be marked. This would suggest installing “Tobacco-Free Area” or “No Smoking” signs in strategic locations, even on walkways, and entrances. Smoking e-cigarettes should also be restricted in the workplace, given the increasing body of evidence proposing its low level of safety.
Comply with the available local, state, and federal regulations that restrict smoking, smoking materials, as well as usage of tobacco products in the sections of the workplace where there are high-risk occupational hazards like highly inflammable or explosive substances.
Educate Employees

Educate employees on health risks that are related to tobacco as well as make them understand the benefits of the smoke-cessation program. It can be done with the help of technology, by presenting web-based cessation initiatives or mobile device messaging methods.
A smoke-free workplace isn’t accomplished by merely writing a policy paper. The employees must understand that it is something that they are required to adhere to. The organization must educate employees regarding the effects of smoking to achieve the following:
- The employees obtain detailed information about the possible risks of smoking
- The employees learn how tobacco use can negatively influence the workplace
- The employees must understand how smoking cigarettes can have a negative impact on their job performance.
- Hand out leaflets to employees informing the advantages of reducing or quitting smoking.
- “No Smoking” signs at various places in the office could be effective as these signs work as a constant reminder for not smoking in different parts of the workplace.
Tobacco Cessation Programs

Offer comprehensive tobacco cessation programs as well as support systems for employees and their dependents who consume tobacco in any form. Make active tobacco-cessation interventions and policies that promote employee participation. As employees get involved in any program in a step-wise manner and at levels corresponding to their progress, cigarette cessation in itself is a gradual process.
Educate employees about occupational safety risks of smoking cigarettes and build strategies to check those risks. Offer incentives to employees who participate in the tobacco-cessation program. It can increase the number of employees who put effort into quitting and those who eventually succeed in quitting.
Efficient smoke-cessation programs not only enhance engagement and productivity but they also improve the quality of life and health of all the employees.
Having a workplace without tobacco is like making a promise to have a healthier, happier, and more successful work environment. When companies focus on keeping their employees well, they reduce health problems and build a positive atmosphere at work that helps the company last long and do well. By doing things to prevent smoking, employers can make a workplace where everyone gets the chance to have a healthier and more satisfying job.